Natural, Universal, Euro, Standard,
Dual-Dimension, Dimpled, Rev.Crv., 
Lingual Mushroom, Lingual Standard, MDW
Large Selection of Alloys and Shapes 10/pks now available in most wires!

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20 results
NiTi, Thermal NiTi Arch Wires

Natural, Universal, European, Standard,
Dual Dimension, Rev. Curve, Dimpled
Lingual Mushroom, MDW



Stainless Steel Arch Wires
Very Bright and Smooth and Resilent
Natural,  European, Universal or Standard Lingual MDW

Copper NiTi 27 Arch Wires
Offers greater flex and spring 
Natural U and L or Universal
Active at 80 degrees F (27 deg C)
Beta Titanium (TMA) Arch Wires
Super TMA Arch Wire
Holds Bends easily
Nickle Free

Dimpled Round NiTi Arch Wires
Stop NiTi shifting easily
Dimple In or Out, Upper or Lower
Also available in Reverse Curve Toe In

Dimpled Rectangular NiTi Arch Wires
Dimple In and Out
Stop shifting easily
Also available in RC
Orthodontic Measuring Kits
Price: $29.45
1 measuring template
5 plastic mm ortho rulers
100 arch wire markers
Pre-Torqued NiTi Arch Wires
20 degree torqued anteriors.
Bright, smooth and great flex. 

Easy control of anterior pitch.


Tri-Sectional Dual-Dimension Arch

Choose anterior width and arch shape.
Non-Torqued SS anterior.
Retraction and sliding mechanics in one arch

Reverse Curve NiTi Arch Wires
2 Styles, 2 NiTi choices
Styles- Rocking Chair or Straight Posterior
Dimples available in Rocking Chair only
Tri-Force NiTi Arches
NiTi with 3 Force levels.
Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Flexes. 
Excellent Bio-Dynamic Arch Wire.

Braided Stainless Steel Arch Wires
Beautiful arch and performs
You will love to work with Braided Arches
Natural Archform only
SE and TH Lingual Round NiTi Arch Wires
Bright Nickle Titanium, 10/pk.
Anatomical Mushroom Shape.
Upper and Lower Sizes available.

SE and TH Lingual Rectangular NiTi Arch Wires
Bright and Smooth Nickle Titanium.
Great Flex.
Variety of sizes and dimensions.

Looped Arch Wires
SS Keyhole 10/pk, TMA Mushroom 5/pk
Natural shape, 2 loops, many mm sizes
CALL to order any 4 loop arches.
Lingual-Rectangular Stainless Steel Arch Wires
.016x.022, .018x.025
Standard Universal Shape

Bright, hard 304SS
small, medium, large available
Lingual-Round Stainless Steel Arch Wires
.016 or .018, 10/pk
small, medium, large and x-large

Standard Universal Shape
Brigh, Hard, 304 SS
Micro-Applicator Brushes
3 Sizes, Dispenser Pack 100/pk
Super Fine, Fine and Regular
Choose sizing-1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm
Mini Tube Stops
Price: $15.00
Fits up to .019"x.025", 
Bight and Tight 
2mm long, 20/pack
Round RC NiTi Dimpled

Dimpled RC NiTi with natural tow-In.
Super Elastic or Thermal NiTi.
Available in 25/pk or 100/pk