Wires/Brackets/Accessories/Light Cure Products
Retainer Plastics/Esthetics and Patented Items too!!
Try our Exclusive Bio Crystal Products and Stops!

Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 results
Magic Crimp Stops
(2 reviews)
Patented and fits all alloys and dimensions.
Regular, Annodized (GT), 24k Gold Plated, or MDW coating
The Zero-Bend Crimping Plier is a game changer for all crimping needs.

IPR Files
IPR Files, 3/pk
Choices of X-Fine, Fine, Medium and Coarse
Files to Choose-Right, Left or Both Sides
Color coded for easy identification of textures
IPR Strips
IPR Strips, 6"x 6/pk
Choose from Fine, Medium, Coarse and Saw Edge
Color coded for easy identification
IPR Handles and Gauge Keys
IPR Handle 1/pc
IPR Gauge Set of 7 .1mm-.5mm
Bondable Eyelets
2 Choices of Lingual Eyelets, Mesh Base
Offset Extrusion Eyelet or Bridge Eyelet
Crimpable Ball Posts
Crimpable Ball Posts
10/pk or 50/pk
Long 3 mm, Short 1.5mm

Crimpable Bent Hooks
Price: $15.90
Available Left or Right
Fits all size arch wires
3.5 mm high at bend
Ball hook end
10/pk for $15.90
Eyelets with Chains
Extrusion Chain with Eyelet
Stainless Steel or 24K plated
BioCrystal Distalizer, 4/pk
Price: $149.95
Stain Resistant Polycarbonate Esthetics
4 distalizers with buccal tubes per kit.
Fully Adjustable, clear ruler included.

All Bondable Buttons 10/bag
SS, Ceramic, and Poly-Clear.
Round, rectangular, trapazoid 10/pk.
Light Cure for PolyClear products.
Retainer Wire, .010x.028
Flat SS Twisted, .010"x.028" in 60" Spool or 6"X10/Tube.
Twisted SS is stronger than braided and breaks less.
MDW coated and 24K Gold Plated available.

Retraction Loops (Crimpable)  2/pk
(1 review)
Price: $8.20
304 Hard SS .016x.025, loop is 7mmx5mm
Teardrop shape, holds tight on any size arch
Smooth continuous forces for closure
Arch Wire Markers
Deep-Orangeor White Markers for Arch Wires.
Clean Use Dispenser Box.

Tounge Tamers
Price: $14.50
Habit Breaker
Mesh Base, Comfortable
Compact design, 10/pk
Fits up to .020 or .018x.018 archwires
Used for Tipping, Torque and Ties
NiTi Springs w/Eyelets

Choose-9mm or 12mm..
Wire sizes-.009", .010", & .012 on.030". 
Available in TAD or Closing springs.

Lingual Cleats
304 SS, 10/pack.
80 grade contoured mesh.
Molar Separators

Choose 160 rings x2/pk w/wo knobs or SS.
NEET SS Molar and Cuspid separators.
The radiopaque option does not have a knob.

Molar Separator Springs
Open spaces for bands simply.
.018 SS, 25/pk.
Bicuspids and Molars.

Rotation Wedges
  • Non latex
  • Gray or clear
  • Bag of 100 wedges
Micro-Applicator Brushes
3 Sizes, Dispenser Pack 100/pk
Super Fine, Fine and Regular
Choose sizing-1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm
Lip Bumper Tubing & Archwire Sleeves
Price: $10.75

10 ft., .045-Gray or Clear-Lip Bumper 
25 ft, .018 or .027- Gray or Clear-Archwire Sleeve 

Oral Elastics
Strong and responsive
Latex and Non-Latex
50 bags of 100/pouch

Palatal Bars
SALE!! Mesial and Distal
Sizes 41mm through 49mm 

304 SS, 10/pk

Goodman Torquing Springs
The famous GTS is available!  
All dimensions! All sizes!
Single tooth treatment for root or crown torque.
Goodman Torquing Kits Available, BIG SAVINGS
Springs sold 5/pak, $65.25


TAD NiTi Springs
TAD NiTi Extrusion Springs
12mm length, .010 on .030

Goodman Torquing Kit
Price: $184.75

Price: $6.00

SALE!!  10/pk
Try our ZERO BEND Crimping Plier--tightest hold

Curved Surgical Hooks
Price: $16.50
Available in Right or Left
10/pk, Stainless Steel